Membership in the Travis County Medical Alliance is open to physicians of the Travis County Medical Society and any member of a physician or medical student couple. Membership in the Travis County Medical Alliance (TCMA) includes dues to the Texas Medical Association Alliance (TMAA). Membership benefits include access to Enrichment Committees such as Book Club and Austin Adventures and invitations to Alliance sponsored events including Toast To Doctors and the Annual Gala. Alliance members are also actively engaged in philanthropic activities throughout the community from cooking for St. Louise House to stuffing backpacks at Volunteer Healthcare Clinic. Additionally, members are kept abreast of legislative issues that effect medicine and given opportunity to participate in influencing those issues with legislators.
For more information or to receive a prospective member packet, please contact Olguita Santiago, VP of Membership, at vp-membership@tcmalliance.org.
Networking: TCMA provides networking opportunities among physicians, as well as others in the philanthropic, medical, and business fields in Austin.
Leadership: There are many leadership opportunities and ways to get involved as committee chairs and board members.
Political Activism: Through legislative involvement the Alliance can show strength in numbers while also personally developing a much deeper understanding of the value and impact of government on medicine.
FUN!!: You have access to fun enrichment groups such as Book Club, Austin Adventures, Matinee Movies, Mah-johngg, and Chic Ladies. Something for everyone
Self-Improvement: Enrichment groups and meeting programs promote self-improvement and challenge you to try new things.
Support System: TCMA members remind each other that they are not alone as they navigate the challenges and joys of life as or with a physician.
Kids Care Club: Member’s children have the opportunity to learn philanthropy through the charitable activities of the Kids Care Club.
Resume Booster: Opportunities provided such as being on the board, serving as a committee chair, and volunteering in the community are great additions to your resume.
Flexibility: Your level of involvement in the TCMA/TCMAF is entirely flexible and does not have required hours or attendance mandates.
Community Service: Community service opportunities and activities draw you closer to the community that we ourselves, our spouses, and significant others care for.