Lydia Soldano
Special Advisor to the President
Email: webmaster@tcmalliance.org (emails will be forwarded)
I don’t know when procrastination became my motto for life, but somehow I’ve embraced it. Or perhaps it’s more about slowing down and enjoying life – especially my friends and family.
I’ve been with my best friend and husband, Tony, for over 25 years. We’ve weathered college, graduate & medical school (and all the evil that goes with that!), being away from family and then too close, a baby, jobs, cross country moves, and so many joys, sorrows, and triumphs during our crazy rollercoaster of life.
Tony is a dermatopathologist with Clinical Pathology Associates and a Clinical Assistant Professor at Dell Medical School teaching the dermatology residents. Mackenzie (our one and only) makes me smile just thinking about her. She swims, sings, plays basketball, loves the theatre, and gives the best shade when it comes to her helicopter parents.
What about me? I have a Master of Education, which I did use for several years when I taught kindergarten. I’ve worked in the oil field, a dental office, in retail stores, the banking industry, at being a good mom and those are just the ones I remember. Now I’ve become the obnoxious volunteer that you can’t get away from! I’ve been blessed with the time, energy, and heart to give when I can, so I do. I’m also lucky that Mackenzie has the same calling and we love to spend time at Ronald McDonald House and Mobile Loaves and Fishes. One of my favorite accomplishments is having traveled throughout the United States. We started visiting state capitals when we lived in New York (2006) and finished with Alaska in 2015. Now, Tony is rallying to visit Major League Ballparks and Mackenzie is routing for National Parks. I’m just interested in fun travel ideas. We have explored abroad and I would whole-heartedly recommend a river cruise to everyone!
So many of you know me, but not everyone will recognize me because life happens and you can’t always attend meetings or have the extra time to socialize. Luckily, the importance of the Alliance is shared backgrounds, understanding about medical life, and those ALWAYS welcoming arms - those are the things that have kept me sane over the last 12 years.